Dear valued clients!
Thank You very much for choosing Reuthers.
Please find some information for your Tour Registration / Booking - to make also the paperwork as convenient as possible for You.
We are fulfilling Your Dreams!

> Deutschsprechende Kunden benutzen bitte > BUCHUNG.
At present we are providing online bookings for Travel and Rentals only. We are working on an online booking system also for the Events section.
All datas on our booking forms are encrypted before transmission.
Booking Steps:
1) Please choose the appropriate online booking form from the left (fax forms are available on request). Please fill out one form per person (applies also for group bookings) including all details. Our new registration form is very easy to handle. If there is any question, please feel free to contact a Servicenumber noted in the form - we are always here for You personally!
2) After having read and agreed with the "Terms and Conditions for Tours", "More information on key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302" as well as the "Data Privacy Policy" in the form, please send your online registration by clicking on the button "BOOKING AND PAYMENT OBLIGATION". You will automatically receive a copy of your booking to the eMail address provided.
3) Together with your tour registration, a deposit payment of 20% of the regular tour price is due by credit card. The Payment of Balance is due by bank transfer 90 days prior tour start. After receiving your registration, we will send you further information.
4) After having received your Deposit payment, you will receive further information for arrival, departure, optional bookings, discounts as well as a detailed tour confirmation. Please book your flight after you have received our tour confirmation. For all travel bookings we also send you the Reuthers Secured Payment Certificate (Sicherungsschein), a legal document of the R + V Versicherung, Germany, which secures your payment/s to us by strict German law.
5) We grant the following Discounts on the regular tour price:
3% Early Bird Discount (booking more than 12 months prior tour start / rental pick up)
2% Golden Ager Discount (age at least 60 years prior tour start)
10% Group Discount (from 8 registrations made within one week, one common Payment of Balance)
10% Special Offer Discount (for specific dates)
2% Harley Owners Group Discount
2% BMW Motorcycle Owners Club Discount
2% Indian Motorcycle Riders Group Discount
2% Riders Association of Triumph Discount
as well as Reuthers Rewards, 10% Lifetime Membership Discount and received Vouchers. Please apply for in the Discount Code field.
Please note: The Total Discount for all applicable Discounts is a maximum of 10%. Only on Reuthers Boxing Day the Discount can be higher for specific offers. All applicable Discounts will be noted in your tour confirmation.